Home of the Last Chance Mercantile



Friday, January 22, 2021


9:00 a.m.

Please Note: The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom and is compliant with Governor Newsom's executive Order N-29-20 which allows local legislative bodies to hold public meetings electronically or via teleconference and to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the local legislative body to avoid public gatherings, and which suspended all contrary provisions of the Brown Act. 

To join the zoom webinar, click on this link:,  copy/paste the link into your browser, or type the link into your browser.  If your computer does not have audio, you will also need to join the meeting via phone. To participate via phone, please call: 1-669-900-9128; Meeting ID: 814 816 94442

Public Comments: if you are unable to participate virtually or via telephone, you may also submit your comments by e-mailing them to with one of the following subject lines "Public Comment Item #" (insert the item number relevant to your comment) or “Public Comment - Non Agenda Item".  Comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2021. All submitted comments will be provided to the Board and may be read into the record or compiled as part of the record.

january Authority MEETING

CALL TO ORDER AT 9:00 AM (IMMEDIATELY following authority meeting)


Election of officers for calendar year 2021

WELCOME NEW board members


public communications

Anyone wishing to address the Board on matters not appearing on the Agenda may do so now.  Please limit comments to a maximum of three (3) minutes.  The public may comment on any other matter listed on the agenda at the time the matter is being considered by the Board. 


These matters include routine financial and administrative actions, which are usually approved by a single majority vote.  Individual items may be removed from Consent for discussion and action.

1)   Approve Minutes of December 4, 2020 Regular Board Meeting.

2)   Approve Report of Disbursements, and Board and Employee Reimbursements for November/December 2020.

3)   Receive Report on December 2, 2020 and January 13, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting.

4)   Receive Report on December 2, 2020 and January 13, 2021 Personnel Committee Meeting.

5)   Adopt Resolution of Appreciation (2021-01) for Outgoing Director Jane Parker


6) Presentation of Resolution of Appreciation to Jane Parker 

7) Presentation by Greg Simmons Marina Resident on Odor Observations


Other Items for board consideration, discussion and action

8)   Authorize General Manager to Execute 2 -Year Lease Agreement with Keith Day Company, Inc. for Composting Facilities (Subject to Final Review by Legal Counsel) at an Initial Annual Rate of $44,081.

9)   Approve Proposed Amendment to Fiscal Year Budget for Fiscal Year 2020/21

10) Approve Revised Pay Schedules for:

a) Operating Engineers Local 3 Support Unit – Addition of Compliance Support Assistant to the Support Unit, Incorporating a 3.5%Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for the Compliance Support Assistant Effective July 1, 2020; Elimination of Executive Assistant/Board Clerk from the Support Unit

b) Management Unit - Incorporating a 1.5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), effective July 1, 2020 to Eligible Positions.

c)Unrepresented Positions - Incorporating a 3.5%Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for the Human Resources Technician and Human Resources Assistant, Effective July 1, 2020; Reversal of 5% Pay Cuts to the Director Positions, effective July 1, 2020; Incorporating a 1.5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), effective July 1, 2020 to Eligible Positions; Addition of Executive Assistant/Board Clerk to the Unrepresented Positions Unit.

11) That the Board of Directors 1) Adopt Resolution 2021-02 authorizing the sole source purchase of one new TarpArmor Automatic Tarping Machine to include one additional tarp spool. 2) Accept the proposal (attached) from Southwestern Sales Co, of Rogers, AZ dated December 17, 2020, to provide a TarpArmor automatic tarping machine with additional spool for a total price of $74,024.94 (including sales tax and freight).

staff reports


12)  Report on Last Chance Operations Plan Update and Presentation by “Veterans Transition Center of Monterey County” and “The Bridge/Second Chance”.

13)  California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD) Landfill Inspection Update.

14) Review Finance, Operating, and Recycling Reports.

15) Report on December 9, 2020 District Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (TAC).


GEneral Manager communications

board communications

 16) )  Committee Appointments 


Next meeting date:           February 19, 2021 at 9 a.m.


This agenda was posted at the District offices at 14201 Del Monte Blvd, Monterey County, CA.  Staff reports and additional information regarding these agenda items are available on the District website ( and at the District offices during regular business hours (additional fee for copying).  All meetings are open to the public.  The District does not discriminate against persons with disabilities and the Boardroom is wheelchair accessible. Recordings of meetings can be provided upon request.  To request assistive listening devices, sign language interpreters, readers, large print agendas or other accommodations, please call Ida Gonzales at (831) 384-5313 or e-mail: Requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meetin