Food scraps now go in the green curbside cart to be composted with your yard trimmings and with the greater convenience comes a big reduction in harm to the climate. Learn more. 

Compost Curbside
FAQs & Fact Sheet

Compost at Home

Compost at Work & School

Reduce – Resources & Info

If you can’t prevent, reduce or donate wasted food, you can compost it. . By sending food scraps to a composting facility instead of a landfill or composting at home, you’re helping make healthy soils ….read more

Taking it to the curb...

Beginning January 2022 residents can compost food scraps in the green cart with yard trimmings. It’s all part of California’s legislation to address Climate pollutants and reduce wasted food. Why?…read more.


Contact your curbside service provider:
Greenwaste Recovery

Monterey City Disposal Services
831-372-7977 /

Waste Management