Electronic Waste Recycling

In accordance with California State law, electronic waste, known as e-waste, may not be disposed of in the trash. The program’s goal is to keep toxic material out of the Monterey Peninsula Landfill. Computer monitors and TVs with CRTs contain 5-8 lbs of lead, as well as mercury, arsenic, and other heavy metals and chemicals. Hazardous materials collected are disposed of safely, and plastic glass and metal components are recycled or reused.

e-Recycling of California, the Bay Area recycler we send e-waste to, has achieved a 98% recycling rate for electronic items. They assure that all media and information containing devices are destroyed and recycled following FACTA guidelines.

E-Waste Drop-off

Household Hazardous Waste accepts free of charge: monitors, TVs, CPUs, cell phones, printers, fax and copy machines. Limit 5 CRTs per vehicle (read below for explanation).

The District’s e-waste recycling drop-off is located next to Household Hazardous Waste and can be dropped off during their hours. There are no fees to drop off electronics for recycling.

The following types of electronic items can be dropped off free of charge for recycling:

  • Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors, computer monitors and TVs are de-manufactured into recyclable components such as CRT glass, plastics, metals, copper yokes, miscellaneous copper bearing material, and circuit boards. CRT glass is shipped to secondary processors for “glass to lead” or “glass to glass” recycling.
  • Computers, hard drives, laptop computers, and circuit boards are de-manufactured and the components are separated into specific commodity types. Scrap metal is sold to a regional metal scrap market. Plastics are baled and sold to plastic recycling companies both domestic and abroad. Circuit boards are marketed directly to metal refiners in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
  • Computer peripherals, cables, and consumer electronics are separated into specific commodity types. Items such as toner, batteries, and inkjet printer cartridges are removed and properly recycled.

The District thoroughly screens the e-waste recyclers we utilize to ensure that they comply with the best environmental practices for e-waste recycling, material processing, and full compliance with Basel Action Network e-waste recycling standards.


Staff Contacts

HHW Program Staff
Jimmy Perez
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor

Facility Hours
Tuesday – Saturday
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.