Recycling, in this challenging time, is still something that we can do. Please check out our new 2020 Recycling Guide for updates and information about our local recycling programs. Also Check out WhatGoesWhere.Info ,your recycling app for Monterey County for the most updated information.
Read MoreWe look foward to scheduling MRWMD Workshops as it is safe to do so. Workshop Descriptions: Vermicomposting- This workshop covers the basics and benefits of composting foodscraps with the help of earthworms in a enclosed system or container. It is an effective means of composting for those who live in apartments and/or have small or no […]
Read MoreThe new 2019-2020 Disposal Fee Brochure is now available, effective 7-1-19.
Read MoreChanges are coming to local recycling programs. Effective August 1, please include only the following recyclable materials in your local recycling collection bins. Changes within the global recycling economy have impacted the materials that MRWMD is able to accept, process and market (see page 2 for National Recycling Coalition’s article “The China Crisis- Whose Crisis is […]
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