Holiday Hours 2021

MRWMD staff wishes all a safe & joyful holiday season.
Please note that the site will be closed on
Saturday, Dec. 25th and January 1st.
Offices will be closed Friday, Dec. 24th and Dec. 31st.

Last Chance Mercantile will be closed for shopping
Dec. 24th – Jan. 1st.
Open to receive donations on Dec. 28th, 29th & 30th


Last Chance Mercantile Reopens July 31st

Shop for and/or donate used and previously loved items again at the Last Chance Mercantile. Now operated by the Veterans Transition Center your purchases and donations benefit people (the VTC’s programs serving veterans) and planet.
Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Celebrate Earth Day All Year Long

We at the Monterey Regional Waste Management District are proud of the environmental services and programs we support which make every day feel like Earth Day. We recognize that we couldn’t do it without our dedicated staff, Board of Directors and YOU! We all have a part in protecting our world, conserving resources, and preserving our natural world for the next generations.

In celebrating Earth Day 2021, we would like to promote some “feel good” Earth Day activities that you can share with your family and friends virtually and in the great outdoors, from a film festival in your living room, to learning how to have a earth friendly household and be a more environmentally conscious ‘fashionista’, to giving a little TLC to the spots in our communities that could use a little love. (BTW- All groups are practicing safe COVID protocol, so please remember to wear your masks, wash your hands and keep a safe, but friendly 6 ft. apart.) Enjoy and celebrate our beautiful planet, today and always. Read More

MRWMD Barn Owl Project Update – Spring 2021

The MRWMD staff would like to provide an update to all those tuning into MRWMD’s Barn Owl Cam and interested in the lives of the owls who were making the MRWMD nesting box their home this breeding season. Luna (mother owl) and her mate had a clutch of six eggs which Luna had been incubating.

The week of April 5, it was observed that Luna’s mate had not returned to the nesting box after several days. Reason is unknown. The wildlife biologist did not think he would return.  Thus, Luna began leaving the clutch of eggs to hunt. During this time one egg hatched, but unfortunately the chick did not survive, we believe, either due to cold or hunger.

As it is the male that provides the food during the incubation period, we realized that Luna would need support, so approval was requested from the Department of Fish and Wildlife to supplement Luna’s food supply. We received approval soon after, but unfortunately, were not able to begin the supplemental feeding before the clutch of eggs lost their viability.
Luna has now left the nest.

We will remain hopeful that Luna may return and be able to produce a second clutch of eggs this spring, as she did last year.

We thank you all for your interest and concern. The barn owl is a beautiful and important environmental steward. They provide environmental services to us, so let’s help protect them!

When we use rodenticides, we put owls and other animals at risk of being poisoned and dying. Please remember to only use safe and non-poisonous means of pest control.

You can learn additional ways to protect the barn owl and other owl species at

You can learn more about barn owl ecology at


Treated Wood Waste Banned from Class III Landfills starting January 1, 2021

Monterey Regional Waste Management District (MRWMD) will no longer able to accept any amount of treated wood waste (TWW) starting January 1st due to a change in state regulations overseen by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). DTSC defines TWW as wood treated with chemical preservatives to prevent wood rot and decay from weathering, insects, and fungus. Examples of TWW include treated decking, fence posts, pilings, landscaping timber, sill plates, and guardrails.

TWW is considered hazardous waste and is accepted only at Class I Hazardous Waste Landfills that manage the most toxic materials. As a Class III Non-Hazardous Municipal Solid Waste Landfill that manages the least toxic materials, MRWMD will reject all loads containing TWW. Any loads found containing TWW will be subject to return to the customer, penalties, and potential criminal violations of illegal disposal of hazardous materials by a regulatory agency.

There are two TWW disposal options moving forward: (1) Arrangements can be made for pick-up by a certified hazardous waste contractor known by CalRecycle or (2) TWW can be taken directly to Class I Hazardous Waste Landfills.

Where is the closest Class I Landfill?

Clean Harbors Buttonwillow
2500 W Lokern Rd,
Buttonwillow, CA 93206
(661) 762-6200

Why is TWW Toxic?

According to the DTSC, TWW contains hazardous chemicals that pose a risk to human health and the environment. Arsenic, chromium, copper, creosote, and pentachlorophenol are among the chemicals used to preserve wood and are known to be toxic or carcinogenic. Harmful exposure to these chemicals may result from touching, inhaling or ingesting TWW particulate (e.g., leaching liquids, sawdust and smoke).

Why can’t I take TWW to MRWMD anymore?

The statute (HSC 25150.7) and regulations (22 CCR 67386.1 et seq.) that allowed TWW to be accepted at MRWMD due to alternative management standards are due to expire after December 31, 2020. Starting January 1st, 2021, all TWW managed in California will have to be stored and manifested as hazardous waste and transported to Class I hazardous waste landfills for disposal. For more information, visit DTSC’s TWW information page.




CLOSED – RFQ for Operation of Last Chance Mercantile

The District is accepting Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for the operation of the Last Chance Mercantile in partnership with the Monterey Regional Waste Management District.  Should your organization be interested in submitting a response to this RFQ, please do so no later than 1 p.m. on Monday, November 30. The RFQ can be found here.

If desired, staff at the Monterey Regional Waste Management District will make themselves available to answer any questions you may have to assist in the formation of your response. We also welcome any requests for tours of the facility.

Per the RFQ, please direct all future correspondence related to this RFQ to