Per Monterey County Order #200427, as of Thursday, April 30th everyone must wear a face covering, including when visiting the Monterey Regional Waste Management District. Thank you for abiding by this requirement for your safety and that of our employees.
Category: Bulletin Board
Notice to Postpone Self Hauling
Notice to Postpone Self-Hauling
As an essential government service, Monterey Regional Waste Management District disposal and recycling facilities remain open during the County’s Mandatory Shelter in place orders to assist you. However, during these challenging times, we ask that you consider whether your trips to our facilities are “essential.” If trips are essential, please maintain social distancing and sanitation standards for your health and the health of our staff. Thank you and stay safe.
Last Chance Mercantile Closed Until Further Notice
To all of our Last Chance Mercantile Customers, we always appreciate your patronage and now your understanding of our need to close to address your safety and the safety of our employees. We look forward to reopening, as soon as it is safe to do so.
Please check our operating hours for the essential disposal and recycling services we are offering at this time.
Notice of Public Hearing for Fee Increases
At the June 21, 2019 meeting of the MRWMD Board of Directors, beginning at 9:30 a.m., the Board will hold a scheduled public hearing to consider changes to the minimum charge for refuse disposal, currently $15 and proposed fee $20; and yard waste recycling, currently $7 and proposed fee $10. More information regarding the proposed action can be found here or call (831) 384-5313.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Don’t Miss MRWMD’s Annual HHW Collection Event , Saturday, June 29th
Bring your household, paint and garden products, electronics and more; including toxics, paints, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, electronics and more during the event, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at MPC’s Parking Lot A, at 980 Fremont St.
MRWMD Board Meeting, June 21st at 9:30 a.m.
ADDENDUM #03 to Bid Documents – Monterey Peninsula Landfill – Module 6
Please find Addendum #03 below for your review and record of the Module 6 Base Liner System Invitation to Bid, which includes:
- Clarification of Time of Performance to be 140 calendar days
- Replace Part A of Paragraph 2.01 Drainage Gravel of Specification Section 02223 with the following:
- Drainage Gravel shall be comprised of durable, sub-rounded gravel and shall meet the following gradation requirements.
Read the complete MRWMD Module 6 Bid Invitation – Addendum #03_2-28-2019
Module 6 Base Liner System Call for Bids
Mandatory Pre Bid Conference February 1, 2019 at 10 am
Bids due March 5, 2019 at 2 pm
You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the construction of a lined solid waste disposal cell at the Monterey Peninsula Landfill, a Class III municipal solid waste landfill. The engineer’s estimate for construction is approximately $4,950,000. Work involves construction of (1) approximately 14 acres of composite base liner, consisting of a compacted clay liner, and a HDPE geomembrane, and (2) a leachate collection and removal system, consisting of HDPE piping, gravel drainage material, geotextile, and on-site sand drainage soil. The work also includes excavation of native sand and clay soils, subgrade preparation, and placement of engineered fill.
Complete Module 6 Invitation to Bid
Module 6 Construction Quality Assurance Plan
Current Board Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting – Friday, February 15, 9:30 a.m.
View Agenda
Rate Increases Effective July 1, 2018
On June 22, 2018, the Monterey Regional Waste Management District Board of Directors approved a rate increase effective July 1, 2018. Please click here for more information.