Notice of Public Hearing for Fee Increases

At the June 21, 2019 meeting of the MRWMD Board of Directors, beginning at 9:30 a.m., the Board will hold a scheduled public hearing to consider changes to the minimum charge for refuse disposal, currently $15 and proposed fee $20; and yard waste recycling, currently $7 and proposed fee $10. More information regarding the proposed action can be found here or call (831) 384-5313.

ADDENDUM #03 to Bid Documents – Monterey Peninsula Landfill – Module 6

Please find Addendum #03 below for your review and record of the Module 6 Base Liner System Invitation to Bid, which includes:

  • Clarification of Time of Performance to be 140 calendar days
  • Replace Part A of Paragraph 2.01 Drainage Gravel of Specification Section 02223 with the following:
  • Drainage Gravel shall be comprised of durable, sub-rounded gravel and shall meet the following gradation requirements.

Read the complete MRWMD Module 6 Bid Invitation – Addendum #03_2-28-2019

Module 6 Base Liner System Call for Bids

Mandatory Pre Bid Conference February 1, 2019 at 10 am
Bids due March 5, 2019 at 2 pm

You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the construction of a lined solid waste disposal cell at the Monterey Peninsula Landfill, a Class III municipal solid waste landfill. The engineer’s estimate for construction is approximately $4,950,000. Work involves construction of (1) approximately 14 acres of composite base liner, consisting of a compacted clay liner, and a HDPE geomembrane, and (2) a leachate collection and removal system, consisting of HDPE piping, gravel drainage material, geotextile, and on-site sand drainage soil. The work also includes excavation of native sand and clay soils, subgrade preparation, and placement of engineered fill.

Complete Module 6 Invitation to Bid

Module 6 Construction Quality Assurance Plan

Module 6 Construction Specifications

Construction Drawings Module 6 Liner System