Request for Proposal for General Counsel Services – RPF Due February 12, 2025 at 2 p.m.

Request for Proposal for General Counsel Services in PDF

Notice is hereby given that the Monterey Regional Waste Management District dba: ReGen Monterey (ReGen) is requesting proposals (RFP) for the furnishing of Legal services to ReGen at 14201 Del Monte Avenue, Salinas, CA 93908. General Counsel will be required to attend all monthly Board of Directors (Board) Meetings, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee and special meetings held at ReGen’s Board chambers located at ReGen’s Administrative office.

Proposals will be received at ReGen’s office until 2:00 p.m. February 12, 2025.

Proposals received after the closing date will be rejected. Hard copies of the proposal should be mailed in sufficient time to arrive at ReGen prior to the closing date.

Acceptance of a proposal by the Board shall form the basis for a contract between the parties for supplying the services. ReGen reserves the right to reject any or all of the proposals and to waive any informality or technical irregularity in any proposals. This notice shall be considered part of any resultant contract.

The GM and/or Board may wish to interview a small number of firms before making a final decision. If so, these interviews will likely be scheduled at or before the March 2025 Board meetings. The Board typically meets on the third Friday day of the month.

Please direct any questions to Ida Gonzales, Executive Board Clerk at (831) 264-6388 or

Request for Proposal for General Counsel Services – RPF Due February 12, 2025 at 2 p.m.

Request for Proposal for General Counsel Services in PDF

Notice is hereby given that the Monterey Regional Waste Management District dba: ReGen Monterey (ReGen) is requesting proposals (RFP) for the furnishing of Legal services to ReGen at 14201 Del Monte Avenue, Salinas, CA 93908. General Counsel will be required to attend all monthly Board of Directors (Board) Meetings, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee and special meetings held at ReGen’s Board chambers located at ReGen’s Administrative office.

Proposals will be received at ReGen’s office until 2:00 p.m. February 12, 2025.

Proposals received after the closing date will be rejected. Hard copies of the proposal should be mailed in sufficient time to arrive at ReGen prior to the closing date.

Acceptance of a proposal by the Board shall form the basis for a contract between the parties for supplying the services. ReGen reserves the right to reject any or all of the proposals and to waive any informality or technical irregularity in any proposals. This notice shall be considered part of any resultant contract.

The GM and/or Board may wish to interview a small number of firms before making a final decision. If so, these interviews will likely be scheduled at or before the March 2025 Board meetings. The Board typically meets on the third Friday day of the month.

Please direct any questions to Ida Gonzales, Executive Board Clerk at (831) 264-6388 or

Christmas tree disposal and drop-off options on the Monterey Peninsula 🎄

Christmas trees are recycled into mulch and compost. Only real trees, free of decoration, lights, stands, tinsel and flocking can be recycled. Here are your options to properly dispose or drop-off trees after the holidays:

🎄 We have a free drop-off bin here at ReGen Monterey right at the entrance! It will be here until the end of the month. 3 trees per visitor limit. Visit us at 14201 Del Monte Blvd. in Salinas, just two miles north of Marina.

🎄 If you are a GreenWaste Recovery customer, tree collection is during the first three collection weeks of the year. Trees must be cut into sections no longer than 6’, and placed curbside on your regular service day.

🎄 If you are a Monterey Disposal customer, Christmas trees can be placed next to your green organics cart. Trees under 6’ tall do not need to be cut. Trees over 6’ must be cut in half. Trees will be collected for the first two weeks of the new year. After the first two weeks, trees must be cut and placed in your green organics cart.

🎄 For Waste Management customers, put cut trees in your green organics cart. If it does not fit, please schedule with WM to pickup Christmas trees curbside on the customer’s service day between January 2-17. Please request online or via phone.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your curbside hauler. Thanks again for removing any materials on your trees and helping us turn old trees into mulch and compost.

SB 1383 Edible Food Recovery Program – Grant Funding Opportunity, FY 24/25

ReGen Monterey and Salinas Valley Recycles’ Edible Food Recovery Grants are intended to expand and enhance edible food recovery programs at food rescue organizations and services operating within the Monterey County region to better accommodate state mandates and broaden community operations. This grant is designed to:

1. Help increase the capacity of local food rescue organizations and services operating within the County of Monterey.
2. Assist local food recovery organizations and services by funding the purchase of equipment, materials, and supplies that will increase the total pounds of edible food an organization or service is able to recover and distribute to those in need.
3. Improve our region’s ability to respond to and comply with SB 1383 mandates by increasing capacity, thereby allowing businesses to donate the maximum amount of
edible food that would otherwise be disposed of.
4. Ensure food safety as edible food recovery capacity and donations increase

The SB 1383 Edible Food Recovery Program – Grant Funding Opportunity, FY 24/25 intends to award a total of up to $90,000 to non-profit organizations, businesses, or public entities that collect, generate, and distribute food to those in need and charities within the County of Monterey. Applicants must operate within the service areas of Salinas Valley Recycles (SVR)* or Monterey Regional Waste Management District (ReGen Monterey)**. The award will strengthen current food rescue programs in order to better comply with California edible food waste recovery laws.

Organizations may request a minimum of $1,000 and a maximum of $25,000. We anticipate the average award to be between $5,000 and $10,000. s. Examples of
eligible expenses include shelving units, refrigeration units, freezer units, kitchen supplies, food preservation supplies, food recovery vehicles,, staffing/wages and volunteer stipends.

Learn more about the program’s eligibility requirements, grant timeline, submission details and more on our SB 1383 EFR Program Grant FY 24-25 Summary document or download and return the EFR Grant Application by October 31, 2024.

*The Salinas Valley Recycles service area includes: Gonzales, Greenfield, King City, Salinas, Soledad, and Eastern Unincorporated Monterey County.
**ReGen Monterey includes: Carmel-by-the-Sea, Del Rey Oaks, Marina, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Seaside, Sand City, Pebble Beach Community Services District, and
Unincorporated Monterey County.

2024 Artist in Residence Exhibit from May 2-18 // Special Reception on May 2

2024 Artists in Residence Exhibit May 2-18, 2024

CSU Monterey Bay Student-Artists
Melanie Mena and Michael Acevedo Present:
“Transmute: An Exploration on Duality and Reconstruction”

Melanie Mena and Michael Acevedo, Visual and Public Art (VPA) seniors at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB), have been selected as the 2024 Artists in Residence (AIR) at ReGen Monterey. The AIR Program is a partnership between ReGen Monterey, CSUMB and Last Chance Mercantile. Since 2016, student artists from CSUMB are selected for a fellowship at ReGen Monterey. The artists scavenge for discarded materials at the Last Chance reuse store and ReGen Monterey’s Materials Recovery Facility, and upcycle them into art.

“Learning about ReGen Monterey has truly been eye opening to everything that goes on behind the scenes. This place is an entire system that works perfectly together in such a beautiful and intricate manner. I am extremely honored to have been chosen to work with this wonderful community and become part of this vast ecosystem,” said Mena. “I hope I can provide something of value through my work and artistic lens. My plan is to reuse materials to build canvases, frames, and push my paintings into a three-dimensional realm.”

Acevedo had a similar goal with his fellowship – to challenge himself and produce art using various artistic techniques: “My goal as an artist is to challenge myself and push past my creative limits to make pieces that go outside of my established comfort zone,” says Acevedo. A residency that required making art from salvaged materials provided ample opportunities for artistic experimentation. “Transmute” will include sculptures, tile triptychs and animation by Acevedo.

Visitors to Last Chance Mercantile have been able to observe Mena and Acevedo’s creative process and interact with the artists during store hours. The seasonal fellowship culminates with an art installation titled “Transmute: An Exploration on Duality and Reconstruction” from May 2-18, 2024, with a special reception and Q&A on Thursday, May 2 at 2 p.m., all at Last Chance Mercantile. The installation and reception are open to the public.

Both Melanie Mena and Michael Acevedo are local mixed-media artists from Salinas who decided to further their study of art at California State University, Monterey Bay. They will graduate with a B.A. in Visual and Public Art in May.

The Artist in Residence program’s goal is to inspire environmental stewardship, recycling and upcycling in the community through art. The artists and the public learn about sustainable material sourcing for art, home and community projects. The program provides a unique and professional platform for local students as they transition from student to professional artists.

Find Mena and Acevedo’s art portfolios and learn more about the program and previous artists in residence at

Last Chance Mercantile is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

¡Sus restos de comida NO son basura!


¡Queremos sus restos de comida y recortes de jardín! No olvide recoger los restos de comida que no haya comido en casa y echarlos en el bote verde de orgánicos. Por favor, ¡no utilice bolsas de plástico, papel, compostables o biodegradables! Muchos de estos productos no se desintegran en el proceso de compostaje. El compostaje contaminado con químicos y trazas de estos materiales no puede ser utilizado en la agricultura orgánica certificada, especialmente en los cultivos en hilera como los de hoja verde y las fresas, que hacen famosa a la industria agrícola de nuestro condado. Con su ayuda, estamos creando una economía circular: sus restos de comida y recortes de jardín se convertirán en compostaje que ayudará a cultivar más alimentos localmente.